How Are You Being Called?
We're glad you're interested in exploring how you are being called to live out your vocation and learn more about the Sisters of Notre Dame.
Get to know a few of the Sisters of Notre Dame in the United States and how they responded to the call uniquely. Today they live in joyful simplicity, united with a global community of nearly 2,000 Sisters of Notre Dame. Throughout the scriptures we are reminded that God has a unique design for each of our lives. Contact us to start the conversation.
If you're looking for a chance to meet the Sisters of Notre Dame and those in your faith community, come to one of our upcoming events.
Silent Retreat
Come for a weekend of silent reflection, prayer and spiritual solitude.
Facilitated by the Sisters of Notre Dame and the Midwest Jesuits, retreatants will be guided toward deep listening to the interior movements of the Holy Spirit.
The schedule includes journaling, prayerful walks, adoration, mass, scripture reflection, individual and group prayer, spiritual direction opportunities. Meals and private accommodations are available and all activities will occur at the retreat location.
Interested? instagram免费永久加速器 about this special retreat.




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Learn About Becoming a Sister of Notre Dame
"O how good is the good God!"
- Saint Julie Billiart, Spiritual Mother
“The poorer and more neglected the little ones are, the greater the love with which we receive them.”
-Sister Maria Aloysia, Foundress
“That you have conversed with God should be evident in your loving manner to others.”
-Sister Maria Ignatia, Co-Foundress
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- Sister Mary Raphaelita, Former Superior General
"What good is all the work if prayer does not draw down God's blessings upon it?"
-Sister Maria Aloysia, Foundress
"Have a heart as wide as the world!"
-Saint Julie Billiart, Spiritual Mother
"Only that which comes from the heart can reach the heart."
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-Sister Mary Benedict, Former Provincial Superior